Thursday, January 25, 2007

Top Ten Rules of the Road I See Cyclists Breaking Everyday

In No Particular Order
Type: Wheel

1) Not Stopping at red lights or stop signs
This has to be the #1 complaint that I hear about cyclists and I completely understand why. I don't care so much that it's against the law to run a red light, or that people in cars think it's unfair that they get away with running a red light. Who cares that cars are jealous that bikes get away with running a red light? What I care about is that fact that it's incredibly dangerous and inconsiderate. Everyone understands why it's dangerous for the person doing it, but it also makes cycling more dangerous for the rest of us who are following the rules because of cars who are pissed off at cyclists breaking the rules.

It's inconsiderate because usually pedestrians crossing the street get a walk signal when the corresponding traffic has a red light. I see bikes go through red lights all the time only to make the pedestrians crossing the street get out of their way. It's ridiculous and it's against the law. We all get our green light when it's our turn, just fucking wait for it.

2) Riding on the Sidewalk
This is an interesting one because I've heard so many uninformed motorists tell me that bikes should get out of the road and onto the sidewalk. I have three things to say about that:

a) It is unlawful to ride your bike on the sidewalk in any downtown area. You are allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk of a suburban area as long as you are riding at a very slow speed

b) It is so much more dangerous to ride your bike on the sidewalk than the street. Cars coming from side streets are looking to their left for approachin vehicles and even if they are paying attention to pedestrians, they do not expect a bike to come quickly out of nowhere.

c) You run a risk of hitting a pedestrian and doing harm to either yourself or them. Remember: It's called a sidewalk, not a sidebike.

3) Riding the wrong way down a one way street

This absolutely has to be the single most dangerous thing you can do on a bicycle. It's unbelievably dangerous for so many reasons, but the biggest danger is from cars pulling out onto the street from a side street. If a car approaches a one way street, they are only looking in one direction for oncoming traffic, if you happen to be coming from the other direction you are in for a battle you are going to lose everytime.

4) Not stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks

I see this every single morning in front of the Marriot in Cambridge. There are one or two pedestrians waiting patiently in the crosswalk while cars speed by without letting them go. Finally a car in the left lane stops and allows the people to cross, but just when they step out into the cross walk a cyclist whizzes right by them nearly colliding with them. We have a responsibility to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks just like cars do.

5) Not having lights and reflectors on your bike

Idiotic and against the law

6) Not signalling turns

More annoying than anything else, but also potentially very dangerous.

7) Riding with headphones on


8) Not having brakes on your bike

I don't mind this one that much because most of the folks riding fixies without brakes can control their bikes better than anyone else on the road, but I just don't see why throwing an emergency brake on the front wheel is so terrible. Also, it's against the law to not have brakes on your bike.

9) Stopping at red lights only long enough to look both before running the light

See running red lights.

10) Swerving in and out of traffic and lanes recklessly

If everyone else in traffic with you cannot predict your movements, the streets become much more dangerous for everyone.

Everytime I get on my bicycle I know that I am really vulnerable out there and I don't take it lightly. If someone does something that puts me in a situation where I could be injured or killed, it's way past just a simple annoyance. Next time I'll post the top ten things that motorists do that piss me off. Then maybe I'll get to a pedestrian one too. When I'm on my bicycle I basically hate everyone that isn't me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Science, this blog sucks. I'm not sure why I keep coming here.

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

6:53 AM  

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